
We are always happy to travel to Universities and Photographic Studios with darkroom facilities to teach group workshops. Regular one-to-one Wetplate collodion workshops are held at our home studio in Chorlton, Manchester.

Do I need to attend a workshop?

While wetplate isn’t inherently difficult troubleshooting can be difficult. We would recommend going on a workshop if you can.

Before attending a workshop John recommends you go through this check-list with the tutor.

Check List for Workshops

  • How many people will attend a workshop?
  • Will chemistry be covered explaining what each individual component does?
  • Does the tutor have experience in teaching?
  • Has the tutor exhibited?
  • How many years has the tutor been working in wetplate?
  • Will you get to make images of different sizes?
  • Will the tutor explain the different types of cameras and lenses suitable for wetplate and will you get to try them?
  • Is the tutor a practicing wetplate artist?
  • Can the tutor show you his or her work first hand or on a website?
  • Is the workshop two days or longer?

If the answer to any of the questions is “no”, I would recommend not going on that particular workshop. In my own workshops, I teach a maximum of four students on my own or six if I am assisted. In my opinion, Wetplate cannot be learnt in one day.